FR/ES/EN Articles
Le Manifeste d’Abd el-Karim du 5 janvier 1948
A l’occasion de la 46ème anniversaire de la mort du grand moudjahid Abdelkarim Al Khattabi, héros de la résistance maghrébine face aux puissances col [...]
Syrie : exemples de manipulations médiatiques récentes
Il y a deux voix discordantes et deux sites internet avec des “nouvelles” divergentes. C'est le Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), basé en G [...]
Threats Of Nuclear Sabotage Against Pakistan
As a nuclear weapons’ state, Pakistan faces a number of challenges, which if unaddressed could cause a severe damage to Pakistan’s international imag [...]
China: Big Changes Coming Soon … American Illusions
Big changes are ahead for China, probably abrupt ones. The economy has grown so rapidly for many years, over 30 years at an average of nine percent a [...]
Un CNT préparé par les USA en vue d’une utilisation en Algérie
Nicolas Sarkozy, s'adressant au responsable du CNT libyen : Attendez de voir ce qui va se passer en Algérie d'ici un an...
Nous en savons un peu plu [...]
Media Lies Used to Provide a Pretext for Another "Humanitarian War" in Syria: Who Counts the Dead?
According to numerous reports from the Western media, human rights organisation, as well as the UN, countless peaceful civilians have been killed by [...]
USA: Cost of Nuclear Weapons Program in Dispute?
In the last few weeks, members of Congress have presented radically different estimates of the cost of the U.S. nuclear weapons program. The disparate [...]
Après La Libye : l’ invasion américaine du continent africain est en marche
Le 14 octobre, le président Barack Obama a annoncé l’envoi de troupes des forces spéciales des Etats-Unis en Ouganda pour y participer à la guerre c [...]
Letter Urges Super Committee to Reduce Nuclear Weapons Spending
FAS joined 48 organizations in signing a letter to United States Representatives asking them to cosign Representative Markey’s letter to members of t [...]
Leta Restavek: The Suppression of Democracy in Haiti (U.N. & the neocolonialism)
In a unanimous resolution, the United Nations (U.N.) Security Council decided on Friday, October 14 to renew the mandate of the U.N. Stabilization Mi [...]