English Articles

1 9 10 11 12 110 / 116 POSTS

Parts from UN Report of the Secretary-General, about "children and armed conflict in" Occupied Palestine

This international report shows The Israeli aggressive practice against the Palestinian people. Alhoukoul have got it from an Arab diplomatic source r [...]

Questions but no answers for Nato in Libya

The world’s agenda changes with bewildering speed. The conflict in Libya has receded in public consciousness, displaced by Syria and the killing of Os [...]

The West's Uranium Wars Against Libya

The air-strikes against Libya by the U.S., France and Britain were touted to the world community as a humanitarian mission to prevent the Qadhafi regi [...]

Le député Amir Khadir en conférence sur le boycottage d’Israël (FR\EN)

Montréal, le 10 mars 2011 - Canadiens pour la justice et la paix au Moyen-Orient (CJPMO) est heureuse d'accueillir le Dr Amir Khadir pour une confér [...]

The Tragic Failure of "Post-Communism" in Eastern Europe

Just before Christmas Day in 2010, a distraught public-television engineer protesting the government’s controversial economic policies hurled himself [...]

Meet the President of Europe?

Herman Van Rompuy. Get used to the name. He is the first President of the European Union, which with the ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon by all t [...]

Andrew Gavin Marshall is a Research Associate with the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is currently studying Political Economy and History at Simon Fraser University.

October 16, 2009 http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=15686 An Imperial Strategy for a New World Order : The Origins of World War III [...]

Scandal in the U.S. embassy in Kabul (article&document)

The real scandal in the Afghanistan Embassy guards flap is not hazing, public urination, or even prostitution. It's the disaster - and the endemic spr [...]

Khalid Mish'al : This brutality in Gaza will never break our will to be free

For six months we in Hamas observed the ceasefire. Israel broke it repeatedly from the start For 18 months my people in Gaza have been under siege, in [...]

Israel Must Be Held To Same Nuclear Scrutiny as Iran

First, we went after nonexistent nuclear weapons in Iraq, and now we are consumed with the possibility that Iran might develop nuclear weapons sometim [...]
1 9 10 11 12 110 / 116 POSTS